Imagine you are a professional chef who needs to prepare a menu for a celebrity chef who, with his insider knowledge, adamantly demands from you the best of the best: The demands on your skills would be very high. Experts from Dörries Scharmann, who have been working for 20 years for the maintenance and servicing of energy company RWE Power AG, feel similarly. Their retrofit menus seem to be "tasty" to the specialists at the RWE Maintenance & Engineering Centre: Comprehensive modernisation of the fourth machine tool starts at the end of 2015.
"Because the product service initially develops directly at the customer, the level of success rises and falls with their participation," says Günther Eller, head of the "Customer Service" business unit of the Swiss Starrag Group, describing the ideal situation (see the interview with Günther Eller on page 8). How a long-lasting successful business relationship results is demonstrated in the close cooperation of RWE Power AG in Frechen (near Cologne) with Dörries Scharmann Technologie GmbH (DST) from Mönchengladbach, a company of the Starrag Group.