- Milling spindle, Divider, D-shape device, cross table, turret, vertical slide and centring microscope
- Horizontal milling spindle with automatic tool change for 6 tools
- High frequency spindle 45.000 min-1
Bumotec s220

Grosse Materialauswahl: Edelmetalle wie Silber, Gold, Platin, aber auch Messing, Edelstahl usw. Herstellung von Ringen, Diamantringen, Armreifen, Medaillen, Siegelringen, Manschettenknöpfen, Brillenteilen, Feuerzeugen, Uhrengehäusen, Zifferblättern, Applikationen, Ohrringen, Anhängern ...
Geringer Platzbedarf <2m²; Hohe Leistung
Facettier-Finishing-Center für die Schmuckindustrie
Finishing centers for the jewelry industries, the machine s220 combine several processes such as Milling, Engraving, Drilling and Faceting to produce parts for the most demanding key players of the jewelry crafts worldwide. His legendary finishing qualities best fit the requirements in terms of accuracy and ease of use.
- Small floor space requirements < 2m²
- High performance level
- Large range of materials handling: precious metal such as silver, gold, platinum, but also brass, stainless steel, etc…
- Production of rings, diamond-rings, bangles, medals, signet-rings, cuff-links, spectacles parts, lighters, watch-cases, dials, appliques, earrings, pendants…
- 6 to 8-Axis
- Faceting, engraving, drilling, milling
- 2 spindles with changer and tool magazine
- High frequency 45.000min-1 spindle
- Easy changeover of the programs
- CNC control unit Siemens 840Di
Innovative Lösungen
- Automatic tool changer system with revolver tool holder 6 tools
- Automatic tool changer type ISO 10 : 8 tools
- Pneumatic clamping and unclamping
Four methods of material removal: faceting, engraving, drilling and milling are applicable and can be combined on Bumotec s210/220 finishing machine centers.
Through programming CAD-CAM, ISO or parametric linked to the machine performances, allow to achieve great finishing and decoration complications.
Machining of Platinum
Faceting, milling and engraving of platinum ring
Diamond rings
From the blank to the finished prepared for the stone setting
Special milling
Programs for the milling of special rings
Decoration of flat workpieces
Medals, signet rings, pendants, earrings and similar parts
Engraving by means of the CAD-CAM software from Vision numeric
Take advantage of the 3D programming and machining to enrich your creations.
Faceting and milling of bangles
Precision milling of multi-color rings
Alles vom einfachen Palettenspeicher bis zu komplexen flexiblen Fertigungssystemen – sogar für grosse und grösste Maschinen: mit ihrem Integrated Production System (IPS) lässt die Starrag Group Industrie 4.0 Wirklichkeit werden. Erfahren Sie mehr.
Technische Daten
Spannung | 3x400 V /50 Hz | |
Steuerspannung | 24 V DC | |
Installierte Leistung | 7,5 kVA 15A | |
Luftdruck | bar | min 5 (max 10) |
Gewicht | kg | 1200 |
CNC Steuergerät | Siemens 840 Di | |
Engraving Software | CAD-CAM/Vision numeric |
Horizontale Spindel | 10000 min-1 | |
Verticale Spindel s220 | HF 45000 min-1 |
Angular displacement D-shaped surface A | ° | 180 |
Teilapparat B | ° | 360 |
Drum for angular positioning C | ° | s210: 225 / s220: 180 |
Linear displacement X | mm | s210: 25 / s220: 41 |
Linear displacement Y | mm | s210: 80 / s220: 41 |
Vertical displacement milling head Z | mm | s210: 150 / s220: 133 |
Manuelle Achse Q | mm | s210: 45 / s220: 33 |
Manuelle Achse RB | mm | s210: 20 / s220: 20 |
Achse SP | ° | s210: 360 / s220: SP1/SP2 360 |
Werkzeugaufnahme | Automatic diamond tool revolver 6 positions | |
Werkzeugmagazin | s210: manual / s220: Tool magazine 8 positions | |
Spannung | s220: Pneumatic clamping and unclamping system | |
Optical | Centering microscope device |
Werkzeugaufnahme | Ø 30mm D-Shaped ring until radius of 5mm | |
Code Lesegerät | Bar code reader integration / programs record |
Maschine (optionslos) | kg | s210: 1000 / s220: 1300 |