- High-performance Bosch Rexroth MTX CNC
- Embedded industrial PC
- 15’’ colour screen
- Remote multi-function console
- Computing power built into the axis variators, to provide a very high performance regulation loop
- Human-Machine Interface adaptable to a PC base
Bumotec s100multi

通过所有轴上的直线电机,宝美 s100 多轴加工中心的新开发机床理念可实现极快加速和切削(最小屑-屑时间:500 毫秒)。极高性能也源于高速主轴(60,000 转每分)。四个大刀具容量的工作站和两个铣削主轴同时工作。
动态传送中心占地面积较小,并且配多个刀库(最多 144 个刀具),非常适合针对钟表、计算机和电子应用设备生产黄铜、铝或不锈钢材质高精确组件的生产厂家,速度极快,而且可进行单个生产或大批量生产。因此,机床非常适合最大尺寸 80 x 80 x 80 毫米的组件。
- 四个加工中心
- 高加速度(最大 3 g:27.24 米/秒²)
- 全部直线电机
- 在所有轴上实现快速进给率(50 米/分)
- 快速旋转主轴(最大 60,000 转每分)
- 大容量刀库(最多容纳 144 个刀具)
- 超快换刀(500 毫秒)
- HSK-E25 attachment
- Embedded elongation measurement sensor
- Tool indexing by means of the spindle encoder
- Air – oil lubrication
- Temperature stabilization ensured by forced water circulation
- Hybrid ball bearings (ceramic)
- Sealing ensured by positive air pressure
- High rigidity
- Tool change operation carried out concurrently
- Capacity 2x18 tools per station (36 tools per station)
- 144 tools on the machine
- Pick & place concept
- Rapid tool holder disc changeover
- Effective protection against lubricant and swarf projections
- Max. capacity: ø50 L=100 mm
- The tool always returns to its initial position
- Magazine management simplified by means of the various HMI pages
- Low-force compact measurement probe
- Secure optical transmission
- 3-axis probing (X-Y-Z)
- Reduces the quantity of complex, specific clamping devices via the automatic origin Measurement
- Constant production of compliant parts
- Repeatability less than one micron
- The tool breakage test is carried out concurrently
- Effective with tools 0,20 mm or more in diameter
- There are various possible options in the event of tool breakage detection:
- Production stopped
- Wait for confirmation to perform the next operation
- Select a sister tool
Traveldistance 1-4 | mm | 80 |
Feed | m/min | 50 |
Acceleration | 25 m/S2 / 2,5 g | |
Resoltution | 0,005 um |
Spindles | 2 vertical per Workingstation | |
Power / Torque S1 / Torque S6 | 2kW / 0.7 Nm / 0.9 Nm | |
Max. Rotation Speed | 60.000 min1 | |
Taper | HSK-E-25 |
Max. Number of Tools | 18 per Spindle (144 on Machine) | |
Chip-to-chip time | sec | 0,5 |
Max. Tool Diameter | mm | 50 |
Max. Tool Length | mm | 100 |
Automation | Loading of Blanks and Unloading of finished Workparts | |
Measurement of Spindleshaft Elongation | Sensor on Spindleshaft and Realtime Compensation | |
Toolbreakage Detection | Mechanical Touchprobe working in masked Time | |
Workpart Measurement | Touchprobe |