Success Story
Pilatus relies on Ecospeed machining solution
Reaching new heights: Flexible manufacturing system represents a productivity leap for aircraft manufacturers
Pilatus Aircraft factories have re-established the machining of large components: Since October 2016, medium-sized aluminium structural components with a length of between 750 and 4,000 mm are being machined in a highly-automated manner by a Starrag Group flexible manufacturing system (FMS) including two ECOSPEED F machining centres. Production capacity has been increased by about a third.

Starrag – highest efficiency in titanium machining
Technology solutions which make the customer stronger
Technology Solutions
More and more, the unique nature of our services can be seen beyond the individual machine systems. A comprehensive technology services package which can be tailored every time to meet the needs of the specific customer are of great help in ensuring that manufacturing is always geared towards the highest levels of productivity and, where necessary, adapted to take on new tasks.